Dr. Don Steele
Co-owner of Performance Learning, Psychologist, Coach, Professor, Author, and Recording Artist.

Don Steele, Ph.D. is currently a professor in the College of Business at Saginaw Valley State University. He teaches Family Business and Leadership Development to senior level students. Don founded Performance Learning, Inc., his very own coaching and consulting business in 1987. His experience in keynote speaking, coaching, and consulting have led him to work with a variety of businesses, across many industries and continents.

Don has served as a coach and consultant to top echelon C-Suite executives, mid-level managers, and many fortune 100 companies for over 35 years. He has also worked extensively with NFL and NBA coaches and players, with NASCAR drivers, and entertainers. He incorporates evidence-based research, humor, and metaphor in his speeches and seminars, which have led to the development of  unique and one of a kind experiential learning experiences. Dr. Steele has now continued his passion for coaching and experiential learning by gathering well-known professionals and coaches he has met over the years who share his interest in optimal performance and professional performance coaching.

Dr. Don has authored eleven books over the years and has recorded 3 albums.